Posts Tagged 'biospecimens procurement'

How Biospecimens Support Biomarkers Development?

Biospecimens support cancer biomarkers discovery and use for the development of life-saving therapies.

One of the main applications of human-derived biosamples in biomedical research is in the discovery and validation of new biomarkers. This is especially true for the oncology field, where biospecimens support biomarkers development from the discovery stage through validation, and ultimately during implementation into diagnostics and choice of targeted therapy by providing scientists and clinicians…

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The Biobanking Space Is Attracting Investors and Media

Biobanking is attracting investors and media interest, showcasing the increasing appreciation towards the field.

The observation that biobanking is attracting investors and media attention strongly confirms the critical role of the field in the modern biotech and biopharma industries and global healthcare advancements. In about three and half months after launching a crowdfunding campaign on, an Austin, TX-based online equity crowdfunding platform, investments in Audubon Bioscience total nearly…

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Medical Staff’s Role in Biospecimen Procurement

Medical staff play a crucial role in the porcess of biospecimen procurement.

Medical staff’s role in biospecimen procurement is a key factor for the development and conduct of this field. Yet, it often ramains largely misread. Biospecimens are being largely recognized as a crucial element for developing biomarker-based, targeted therapies and diagnostics. While essential to biomedical research advancement, biospecimen procurement is also a complex process involving the…

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What is Biobanking? An Overview of a Fast-Growing Field

An overview of the biobanking field.

Novel therapies are moving away from the “one size fits all” concept and are working towards a patient-tailored precision therapy approach 1. Since this transition relies on patient-derived biosamples, it has strongly reshaped the field of biobanking and biospecimens procurement 2,3. The importance of studying both liquid and solid human bioproducts lies within the samples’…

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Peripheral Blood Processing – Discover The Universe Within a Blood Tube

Peripheral blood processing methods allow to subfraction and analyze the various subcomponents of whole blood.

The term peripheral blood corresponds to all the blood circulating through the body’s blood vessel system and not concentrated within a specific organ (e.g. liver, spleen). Peripheral blood processing and analysis is a routine in clinical practice. However, the increasing number of translational research and life-saving therapies based on blood analysis, biobanking manipulation, and transfusion…

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FFPE or Frozen Tissue – How to Choose Between Their Pros and Cons?

FFPE or frozen tissue have a list of advantages and limitations to be considered to reply to the downstream analytical purposes of your solid tissue biospecimen collection.

  FFPE or frozen tissue is a very common question during the initial design of a solid tissue collection project. Preserved human solid tissue comes in two forms – Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) or snap-frozen. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing one over the other depends on the study’s needs and methodology. Here,…

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Handling Blood Samples – 5 Good Practices

Listing of the top 5 good practices in hadling blood samples.

  While peripheral blood and its precious sub-components are gaining growing attention from the biomedical research field, an increasing body of evidence 1,2  shows that even small changes in the pre-analytical conditions may affect sample quality and integrity. These observations drive the urgent need for establishing good practices and unified protocols for blood sample collection,…

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A Trustworthy Biospecimen Provider – How to Choose One?

Human biospecimen procurement field is gaining attention of media and investors.

  The growing diversity in biobanking solutions does not necessarily imply that the process is problem-free. On the contrary, human biological specimen (HBS) collection remains a complicated procedure during which it is crucial to be aware how to choose a trustworthy biospecimen provider.  The vast majority of innovative drugs and therapies depend on real-life evidence…

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