AACR 2022 Annual Meeting – visit Audubon’s exhibit booth

New Orleans, Louisiana, March 25, 2022 - Audubon Bioscience announces it will be exhibiting at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting, 2022, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center from April 8 to 13.
The AACR Annual is one of the biggest and most important events in cancer research, and this year is inspiring because it will be “in person” for the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are thrilled to display a booth for the first time at this event. Our team is very excited to meet our research and medical partners, make new connections, and get updated with the latest advancements in cancer research.
“We are looking forward to interacting in person with our partners, and the AACR is the right place to get started,” says Rostyslav Semikov, CEO of Audubon.
The AACR Annual Meeting brings together clinicians, researchers, industry, policymakers, and patient organizations. While scientific presentations and workshops are happening simultaneously in different rooms and halls throughout the almost week-long event, in the days between April 10 and 13, the Exhibit show is also taking place. The show brings together not only the big pharma players but also small innovative biotech companies as well all companies providing the needed reagents and equipment for cancer research to happen. And this is where you can find our team: at Booth #3843.
“Biospecimens are placed at the intersection between clinics, patients, and research. Communication between these three parties is essential for the successful advancement of cancer research. It is imperative that biobanking and biospecimen procurement fields are present actively in meetings such as the AACR,” added Semikov.
Understanding the heterogeneous disease mechanisms of cancer and developing innovative and personalized treatments rely on the availability of patient-derived ethically procured quality biospecimens. Medical staff plays a crucial role in connecting researchers to such specimens. The AACR Annual Meeting is the perfect setting to bring all key players of the multifaceted cancer research environment together and set the foundation for innovation through collaboration.
The company’s major focus is engaging with academic and industry researchers as well as with clinicians to continue to successfully support the development of life-saving diagnostics and therapeutics, but it doesn’t stop there. “Our work involves various audiences, mainly researchers and doctors, and patients and policymakers. To reply to their needs and efficiently explain the importance of biospecimens in cancer research and saving the next generation of patients, we need to be on top of the research trends and conversations happening in every aspect of cancer research. Conferences at the scale of AACR Annual Meeting give the opportunity to be up to date with all the new advancements in cancer research,” adds Dr. Maya Chergova, Science Content Manager at Audubon.
The team is excited to hear the talks from many sessions, including Cancer Disparities, Tumor Biology, Population Sciences, and Drug Development.
If you are attending this year’s AACR and wish to learn more about how we can support your research or enroll in our clinical network program, visit us at Booth #3843 or get in touch with our team to schedule your meeting.
See you in New Orleans!