Urgent Need for Biospecimens
Biomedical science has delivered tremendous improvements to our quality of life, turning once deadly diseases into highly treatable or even preventable illnesses.
The development of these and future medical advancements is not possible without access to samples from human patients. Patients like you.

NCI's Patient Guide to Donation
More Than a Number: Better Health Begins With You
Find Out How Precision Oncology Can Help You Beat Cancer
Ask Your Doctor to Partner With Us
If you’d like to learn more about the biospecimen collection process or want to find out how your doctor or clinic can become a part of Audubon’s biospecimen donation network, click on the link below and fill out the form to contact us.
Your Biospecimen Donation Can Help Countless Others
Be A Part of the Solution
Advances in biomedical science cannot happen without the donation of biospecimens.
Transform Adversity into Action
Turn biomedical material that would otherwise be destroyed into the fuel that drives new treatment options.
Support Other Patients
Help make life better for future patients with your disease.
Bringing New Treatments to the Clinic
Here are just a few examples of life-saving therapies and diagnostics developed through the generous donation of biospecimens from patients like you
- New biomarkers discovery and validation
- Unraveling disease resistance mechanisms
- Successful drug and therapy combinations
- New target identification
Research We Support
We provide biospecimens for leading organizations, including the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) and US Center for Disease Control (CDC), top pharma and biotech companies, as well as small and mid-sized start-ups.
We strongly support the research of autoimmune disorders by providing specimens from Diabetes type 1 and 2, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and many other conditions to leading industry, academic and governmental organizations.
With the increased incidence of viral outbreaks we are witnessing today, including the Covid-19 pandemic, samples from patients affected by infectious diseases are precious and an indispensable tool for the protection of public health. We are committed to provide such specimens and to support vaccine and therapeutic development.
Neurological disorders affect human wellbeing and quality of life on a global scale. By providing specimens from donors affected by such pathologies, we support the work of public and private institutions with the goal of identifying better biomarkers, revealing diseases’ molecular mechanisms and finding better treatments.
Patient Stories
Cancer Treatment Options and Management (CTOAM) is Canadian-based personalized cancer care and precision oncology service provider, specialized in finding the best possible treatment for cancer patients all around the world. CTOAM kindly agreed to share some of their patients' stories with us.
Two years after being diagnosed with stage IIA Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and two unsuccessful rounds of standard chemotherapy, today Kerryanne is doing well thanks to targeted therapy.
Damian is a stage III metastatic colon cancer patient, who is feeling much better thanks to a targeted treatment.
Anna is an ER/PR positive stage IV breast cancer patient on the way to recovery thanks to personalized treatment.
Disease Areas
The biospecimens we have collected have fueled over 500 R&D projects covering multiple disease areas such as Oncology, Autoimmune Disorders, Infectious Diseases, and Neurology.
Ethics and Compliance
We adhere to the highest ethical and compliance standards, providing specimens that are collected in accordance with all applicable local and international laws.
For Clinics and Doctors
If you are a Medical Doctor or Professional, this page is dedicated to you.